52 HeARTS "Friendship"
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
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This week's 52 HeARTS theme is "Friendship."  This was an easy assignment for me because our dog Stockton (Boxer) has a very best friend named Hank (Black Lab).  Stockton met Hank when they were both puppies.  If I remember correctly, Stockton was about 3 months old and Hank was about 2 months old.  And anyone who has ever owned a puppy knows that you spend MOST of your day taking the dog outside.  This being the case, my wife and I would see Hank and his parents, Janny and Colin, at least 3 times a day!  We ended up becoming great friends with Janny and Colin and would all share stories about the adventures (a nice way of putting it) of puppy ownership.  

This was the first image that popped into my head when I thought of this assingment and, anyone who knows Stockton and Hank, knows that they love to wrestle.  Which is interesting because Hank won't wrestle with any other dog except Stockton.  They are truly best friends. Not only does this image represent their friendship (in their own goofy way), but it also represent our friendship with Janny and Colin.  One that I couldn't imagine being with out.  

Leave a comment:
Angela - Love it, this one made me smile (actually, laugh!). Gorgeous dogs - and familiar face-pulling. I love seeing the friendship between dogs :-)

Jennifer - fun friends
Deanna Maxwell - Very cute!
Lori Fusaro - Love it! :)